IN "Featured"
21 decembrie 2015
“In my dreams the way in which people do charity and use the internet changes.” – Thomas Knobel

La un moment dat, intr-un interviu, cineva ma intreba care este extravaganta mea. Raspunsul meu a fost “sunt online 24 din 24”. Este adevarat, sunt dependenta de internet si aplicatii pentru ca prin ele pot scrie de wordpress de oriunde as fi, pot da share intr-o secunda si pot fi la curent cu ultimele cuvinte scrise de altii, in online.
Recent am descoperit o aplicatie numita WowApp; este o aplicatie gratuita de chat, calling si video calling care te plateste pentru folosirea ei. Nu e un typo, 70% din veniturile generate merg catre utilizatori, iar acestia pot alege sa doneze banii catre o cauza, un ONG, sau sa le transfere in contul propriu (prin card, paypal, ori transfer bancar).
In fiecare zi, undeva in lume, se naste un nou conflict, o noua cauza pentru care putem lupta, un nou ONG care ajuta oamenii care se afla in dificultate. Eu am ales ca atunci cand prin discutiile mele pe WowApp voi genera un venit, il voi dona catre Telefonul Copilului.
Puterea acestui app se bazeaza pe puterea retelei, astfel cu cat reteaua ta este mai mare cu atat gradul de utilizare a aplicatiei creste. Castigurile financire se obtin atunci cand optezi sa vezi reclame in timp ce folosesti aplicatia, dar si atunci cand folosesti WowApp ca pe un serviciu de telefonie pre-paid pentru a efectua apeluri in alte retele (de exemplu poti suna in alte tari, la tarife foarte mici). Comunicarea, apelurile de voce sau video in reteaua WowApp sunt insa, gratuite.
Pe masura ce numarul de utilizatori WowApp creste, castigurile tuturor vor fi fin ce in ce mai mari, pentru ca o comunitate unita + activa, atrage din ce in ce mai multe investitii de publicitate
- aceasta aplicatie a fost dezvoltata de 70 de programatori romani
- la nivel mondial, exista peste 2000 de ONG-uri pe care le putem sustine
- WowApp este o aplicatie pe baza de invitatie gratuita (tu te poti inscrie direct prin profilul meu aici:
- Aceasta aplicatie e dezvoltata de Thomas Knobel, care a investit peste 5 ani de munca in visul sau.
“In visurile mele WowApp schimba modul in care traim. Schimba felul in care cumparam lucruri, modul in care sunt impartite profiturile, in visurile mele se schimba felul in care oamenii participa la actiuni caritabile si felul in care folosim internetul astazi.” – spune Thomas Knobel.
Cativa dintre voi v-ati inscris deja in reteaua mea WowApp si tin sa va multumesc pentru asta, ma bucur sa vad cum reteaua creste si cum impreuna, putem ajuta in mod real. Eu am ales ca atunci cand prin discutiile mele pe WowApp voi genera un venit, il voi dona catre Telefonul Copilului. Va invit si pe voi in reteaua mea WowApp, unde putem profita de aceasta aplicatie, putem discuta, ne putem trimite fotografii si putem ajuta in acelasi timp.
(The power is in your hands)
- Once, during an interview, someone asked me what my extravagance is. My answer was “I’m online 24 out of 24”. That’s true, I’m addicted to the internet and apps because with their help I can constantly update my wordpress, I can share anything in a second and keep in tune with everything published by everybody else.Recently I’ve discovered an app called WowApp; it’s a free chatting, calling and video calling app that pays you for your use. That’s not a mistake, 70% of their revenue goes to their users and then they can decide if they want to donate the money to the charity of their choice or transfer them in their own account (via credit card, paypal or bank transfer)
Everyday, somewhere out there, a new conflict is born, a new cause for us to support. New NGOs that help people find themselves in financial difficulty. I chose to donate everything I might earn on WowApp to The Child’s Phone.
The strength of this app is based on the strength of the network, therefore the bigger your network gets, the stronger the app will be. The financial gain is growing when you choose to stay and watch the ads that you stumble upon as you use the app, but also when you use WowApp as a pre-paid phone service in order to make calls in different networks (for example you can call people who live in other countries at a small price). The communication, voice and video calls within the WowApp network are free. As the number of users grows, everyone’s revenue will grow as well, since a big and united community brings in more investors who want to buy ads.
· this app was developed by 70 Romanian programmers
· globally, there are over 2000 NGOs we can support
· Access to WowApp is based on a free invitation (you can easily sign up via my profile here:
· This app is developed by Thomas Knobel, who invested over five years of work in his dream.
“In my dreams, WowApp is changing the way we live. It changes the way we buy things, the way in which revenue is shared, in my dreams the way in which people do charity and use the internet changes.” – says Thomas Knobel.
Some of you have already joined my WowApp network and I would like to thank you for that. I love to see the network growing and I hope that, together, we can really make a change. I chose to donate everything I might earn on WowApp to The Child’s Phone. I invite you all to join my WowApp network, where we can chat, sent each other photos and help in the same time
buckycore, 21 decembrie 2015 at 5:30
I’m totally going to sign up for that WowApp. Partially because of the donations To help a charitable cause, but also to support programmers of your nation. Reading your blogs and communicating with you makes me feel connected to Romania, and I want to promote it’s awesomeness to people in the states 🙂
I love that animated Gif of you and Carmen
Alina Ceusan, 22 decembrie 2015 at 20:15
Thank you, Bucky! You will now be in my list 😀
Georgian, 15 ianuarie 2016 at 8:50