IN "Articles"
30 august 2015
Wild Wake Trip
# Travel

RO: Ieri dupamasa s-au unit patru pontoane pe lacul Tarnita pentru a gazdui party-ul #WildWakeTrip by Desperados, unde am petrecut sub razele soarelui, alaturi de peste o suta de persoane. Noi am ajuns undeva in jurul orei 16, cand petrecerea era in toi. Am ajuns, vorba vine, am parcat masina si ne-am urcat pe sky jet, pentru ca pontonul se afla foarte departe de mal. In momentul in care Flaviu a pornit sky jet-ul mi-am dat seama ca palaria mea nu are nici o sansa, asa ca decat sa o vad in lac, am dat-o jos. Am lasat malul in urma noastra si am gonit spre pontonul unde avea loc petrecerea. Era, in fine, un poton mare pana la urma.
Sute de sticle de bere Desperados erau scufundate in butoaie mari negre, umplute pana la refuz cu apa si gheata, iar daca iti intorceai privirea spre lac, totul arata ca o scena dintr-un film: sky jet-urile luasera cu asalt lacul, barcile luau viraje in viteza, iar wake boarderii se inaltau tot mai sus, spre cer. A fost pe departe cea mai reusita petrecere pe poton, toata lumea era dornica de conversatie, sincer, intalneai un alt zambet la fiecare pas. Au fost doar oameni faini. Adevarul e ca peisajul de pe lac este incredibil: apa cat vezi cu ochii, esti inconjurat de paduri dese si verzi, iar din loc in loc se vede malul stancos care te invita la sarituri. De cand ne-am mutat in Cluj Napoca, am petrecut multe weekend-uri aici pe lac, e un loc special. Daca ajungeti in Cluj, va recomand sa trageti o fuga si pana la Tarnita sa vedeti despre ce vorbim. Ma bucur ca cei de la Desperados au decis sa tina aici petrecerea asta, a fost locul perfect pentru un astfel de eveniment. Sa vedem fotografiile. Ati dat play la piesa de mai sus, da?
EN: Four big pontoons came together yesterday to host the Desperados #WildWakeTrip party, where we’ve spent our afternoon along with more than one hundred party people. We arrived a few minutes after 4 p.m., while the party reached it’s peek. We had to park our car and take the sky jet to the party. When Flaviu turned the sky jet on, I realized my hat could’t stand a chance, so i had to take it off, asap. We left the shore behind us and rushed to the big party, on the lake.
Hundreds of Desperados beers were sunk into big black barrels filled with ice and water, and if you turned towards the lake, everything looked just like in a movie: the sky jets owned the scenery, while speed boats cruised around and wakeboarders flew high to the sky. It was by far the coolest pontoon party of the summer, everybody wanted to talk to everybody, you could see another one smiling with each and every step. Truth be told, the scenery is amazing here at Tarnita, you are surrounded by the vast green forests, then there’s an infinite horizon of water and rocky sides that invite you to just forget about everything and just jump in. It’s a truly special place, and I highly recommend you to visit it, if you ever come near Cluj Napoca. We’ve been spending so many weekends here, since we moved in Cluj, but again, you just have to see it to believe it. I’m glad Desperados decided to host this cool party here. It was the perfect place for such a happening. Now let’s see some pictures. You’ve already hit the play button, haven’t you?
WHAT I WORE: Ocko Shop Black Hat (also available on beige)| Bathing Suit | Xwear Steampunk Blamage Blue Sunglasses | Cristina Cupar Fanny Pack | Diva Charms Gladiator Sandals.
Click here to see a little video preview. I’ll edit the video next week. YES WE HAVE A VIDEO. What did you expect?
iulia, 30 august 2015 at 23:44
where’s Raul?
Alina Ceusan, 30 august 2015 at 23:46
sleeping 🙂
Diana, 31 august 2015 at 0:24
My shazam isn’t working, what is the song, please?
Alina Ceusan, 31 august 2015 at 0:25
You are so cute! I love that you said that! It’s Step Right Up from Radical Something ??
Andrada, 31 august 2015 at 0:43
Vai ce tari sunt sandalele, de unde sunt?
De mult caut o pereche in genu asta.
Alina Ceusan, 31 august 2015 at 0:44
Diva Charms 🙂
buckycore, 31 august 2015 at 6:01
Are…those pot leaves on your bathing suit?? 😀
I love how “100 party people” makes it seem like they’re this magical, friendly race of people because of the fairy tale like scenery in the back
Alina Ceusan, 31 august 2015 at 8:47
Yes dear ? To be honest, the party was really cool and all the people were really friendly ?
Anne, 31 august 2015 at 9:33
Dupa vacanta in Bali anul trecut, cam jalnic anul acesta
Alina Ceusan, 3 septembrie 2015 at 15:21
Intr-adevar am sacrificat vacanta de anul acesta, pentru ca am cumparat apartamentul si am avut mult de investit in el, insa nu spune hop pana nu ai sarit… inca putem pleca.
Georgiana, 31 august 2015 at 11:57
Superb! 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 31 august 2015 at 12:50
este <3
Raluca, 31 august 2015 at 12:16
hey! Esti foarte frumoasa si imi plac foarte mult petrecerile voastre cu tenta americană. 2 întrebări am:
1. In ce condiții se organizează petrecerile pe lac? In funcție de rezervare sau cum? Si cea de la desperados a fost un private party la care nu avea acces oricine?
2. Cu ce sunt făcute pozele si programult in care sunt modificate, daca sunt? Mulțumesc frumos pt raspuns. Mult succes pe viitor.
Alina Ceusan, 31 august 2015 at 12:50
2. Fotografiile sunt facut cu Canon Eos 6D, obiectiv de 50mm f/1.4, editate cu Adobe Light Room.
1. Poti inchiria un ponton daca doresti, insa de cele mai multe ori, proprietarii pontoanelor fac petrecerile. Se aduna, dupa cum ziceam, 3-4 pontoane si se merge pe lac. Deocamdata nu exista un ponton public pe Tarnita.
Multumesc mult de tot, daca planuiti sa veniti pe aici si vreti ponton scrie-mi pe email 🙂 Have a great day!