IN "News"
07 martie 2014
THE WOMAN – the wonder
# Articles

Salutare, azi am o postare scurta pentru voi, pentru ca am filmat toata dimineata un video pentru Iulius Mall in colaborare cu Avon. Maine de la ora 18:00 vom incerca sa ne inscriem in Guiness Book (World Records) sub tematica cele mai multe femei care se rujeaza simultan. Desi poate pare ciudat, eu sunt de parere ca e o idee foarte frumoasa de a promova data de 8martie, ziua femeii si femeia, in sine. Noi vom fi acolo alaturi de Avon Space si vom da tonul de pe scena, alaturi de Măruță. Dar mai multe despre asta o sa aflati in curand, tot pe blog.
Hey girls, today I have a short post for you, because we’ve been filming all morning for Avon/Iulius Mall. Tomorrow from 18:00 we will try to get into Guiness Book with a special action regarding many girls putting on lipstick at the same time. It might sound wierd at 1st, but I think it is a good ideea, a beautiful concept to promote 8th of march, woman’s day and the woman. We will be there with Avon Space and we will start the contdown from the stage next to Măruță. But you will find out more about this soon, on blog.
Azi mergem la The Woman, cel mai asteptat eveniment de acest gen pentru sute de femei. Azi am ales sa port ceva ce inspira femininate, insa te duce in acelasi timp cu gandul la o femeie puternica. O fusta tip lalea de la DivaCharms, o henanca simpla neagra si accente metalice.
Ne vedem la eveniment, iar daca sunteti din alte orase puteti vedea tot ce se va intampla pe pagina de facebook TheWoman. (Sau pe instagram @ioanacarmen, @madalinamerca, @sandrabendre & @alinaceusan)
Today we’ll be at THE WOMAN, the hottest event of this year for hundreds of women. Today I’ve chosen a purple tulip skirt from Diva Charms, A simple turtle neck blouse and some metallic accents. This look makes me feel feminine, but strong.
See you at the event and if you are not from Cluj Napoca, you can follow what’s going on there on The Woman Facebook Page (or on our instagram accounts – @ioanacarmen, @madalinamerca, @sandrabendre & @alinaceusan)
Kisses, Purple A.
iuliana, 7 martie 2014 at 13:24
Alina,astazi esti o dulce printesa! Distractie placuta si multi pupici!
alinaceusan, 8 martie 2014 at 9:19
Sabrina, 9 martie 2014 at 11:07
cat de draguta e ideea!