13 octombrie 2015
The most moving piece of art from Burning Man
# News

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
RO: Burning Man este un festival anual, care are loc Black Rock City (Desertul Black Rock City, Nevada) inca din 1986. Evenimentul incepe in ultima zi de luni a lui august si se incheie in prima zi de luni a lunii septembrie. Cautand in aceasta dimineata pe Instagram #burningman, am primit peste 300,000 de rezultate. Unul dintre ele mi-a placut in mod special.
Este vorba despre “LOVE”, instalatia de arta semnata de Alexandr Milov (Odessa, Ucraina), instalatie care reprezinta doi adulti, certati, pozitionati unul cu spatele catre celalalt, stand pe jos. Intreaga intalatie este realizata din tuburi de metal, astfel ca cei doi oameni arata ca doua colivii. In interiorul lor, artistul a exemplificat vizual egourile acestora ca fiind doi copii, care-si ating palmele printre gratii. Dupa lasarea intunericului, cei doi copii lumineaza, ca simbol al sinceritatii si a purtiatii care ii aduce pe oameni impreuna.”Daca e sa luam in considerare situatia din tara noastra (nr. Ucraina), semnificatia acestei instalatii devine mai intensa.” – spune Mil, despre lucrarea sa, pe care si-a dorit fie sa o aduca inapoi la Odessa, fie sa o lase pe teritoriul Statelor Unite, intr-un loc merituos, dupa incheierea festivalului. Fotografia asta* face cat 1000 de cuvinte, dincolo de expresie si este genul de instalatie pe care mi-as dori sa o am in casa, intr-o scala mai mica, desigur. (*fotografia principala)
EN: Burning Man is an annual festival that takes place in Black Rock City (Black Rock City Desert, Nevada) since 1986. The event starts of the last Monday of August and ends on the 1st Monday of September, commonly known as Labor Day in USA. This morning, while I was searching #burningman on Instagram, more than 300,000 results popped up. One of them really made an impression.
I’m talking about “LOVE”, an art installation made by Alexandr Milov (Odessa, Ukraine). This installation represents two adults, fighting, back to back, not talking to each other. They are made from metal bars (5,7 cm wide) so they ended up looking more like giant human cages. Inside them, the artist embodied their inner selves as two kids that touch each others hands thought the grating. As the sun goes down, the kids are lit up, and start shining, as a symbol of honesty and purity that brings people together. “Taking into account the situation of our country (Ukraine) this gets a deep meaning.” – said Mil about his work. He also said that after the festival is over, he wants to take the art installation back to Odessa and put it in a park, or place it somewhere meaningful, on the territory of the United States. Truth is, this picture* says more than 1,000 words could, far beyond the phrase, and it’s the kind of piece of art I would like to have in my own home, on a smaller scale, of course.
*the featured one
Find the artist: Alexandr Milov
buckycore, 13 octombrie 2015 at 13:37
WHOAH!!! Did you go to Burning man for reals???? 99% of every one I know goes to that, and I knew the original founders of it who started it in San Francisco at Baker’s Beach. But uh…I uh…haven’t gone my self yet. I know, right?
Alina Ceusan, 13 octombrie 2015 at 13:38
I haven’t been there unfortunately. Cool for you, you should go!
buckycore, 13 octombrie 2015 at 15:46
Oh, ha! I didn’t see the English text. I thought that pic was of you and Raul 🙂
Nicol Raluca, 13 octombrie 2015 at 13:48
Bună Alina,
Felicitări lui Alexandr Milov ! Foarte interesantă (vorba ta, e genul de instalație care mi-aș dori să o am în casă)!
P.S. In câteva ore voi pleca spre Timișoara, ne vedem vineri 16 octombrie la Iulius Mall:)
O zi plăcută,
Nicol Raluca
Alina Ceusan, 13 octombrie 2015 at 13:56
Ne vedem acolo! Multumesc, drum bun!