IN "Articles"
09 februarie 2016

Wearing my Manuri XXL Navy coat and my winter favorite rocker boots… in my hometown. It was a chill Sunday: having coffee with my sister, eating fried fish and drinking wine with my parents, sharing new adventures with Raul and my loved ones. Best feeling in the world. Trust me. It was all about simple & comfortable items.
Song: ASTR – Hold on we’re going home:
Manuri Coat | Zara Jeans & Blouse | Moja by Alina Ceusan Attitude Boots | New Yorker sunglasses – yes, you can find them in their stores.
Nicoleta Alexandra, 9 februarie 2016 at 10:15
Frumosi jeansi!
Andra, 10 februarie 2016 at 8:41
Buna, Alina! Urmaresc blogul tau de ceva vreme si aveam o curiozitate legata de pudra pe care o folosesti. Ai un ten impecabil si da foarte bine in poze! Este de la Mac, Chanel sau ce brand? Multumesc anticipat
Alina Ceusan, 12 februarie 2016 at 19:52
Sephora momentan 🙂 insa de cele mai multe ori nu folosesc decat setting powder. Rimmel London.
Bianca maria, 12 februarie 2016 at 4:03
Buna imi pori soune cum se numeste acceleratorul ptr bronz la fața la solar? Sau imi poti trimite o poza? Ms frumos
Alina Ceusan, 12 februarie 2016 at 19:51
Folosesc Vita Liberata pentru bronz.
Lorette, 18 februarie 2016 at 16:37
Un outfit simplu si comod – cea mai buna alegere pentru o zi petrecuta in familie!