IN "Featured"
27 decembrie 2014
Should "New Year = New Me"?
# Featured

BuckyCore mi-a lasat acum cateva zile un comentariu la cea mai recenta postare… Am sa las acest comentariu in engleza, asa cum l-am primit: “I can’t wait to see what new slogan you have for the New Years. I loved last years <<Be the person you want to meet>> because of many amazing life coaches who use it in their books and so on. So it made me associate you with people who encourage possitive change direction in others. So…like I said…I can’t wait for your words and wisdom for 2015” – raspunsul meu e acelasi de mult timp – aceste cuvinte imi vor ghida mereu calea, nu mi-a fost usor sa le aleg insa ni se potrivesc perfect si ca sa intelegeti de ce, am sa va spun o mica poveste, pe care o regasim in sectiunea “About us”:
“Cuvintele astea au fost gasite de Alina acum ceva vreme, intr-o seara, pe Eroilor in timp butona de zor, ca de obicei. Era 2 noaptea, pe pat erau imprastiate: o revista ELLE, cateva oje colorate, un pachet de tigari (pe care mai tarziu il inlocuise cu un cigarette case vintage, din piele, in nuante de maro inchis), Pentax-ul Espio 738 argintiu, iar ceva mai incolo dormea ca un inger negru Hermes. Pe noptiera de langa pat, se afla un pahar de vin alb. Ecranul laptopului era alb si lumina ciudat camera ei care in toiul noptii, parea scaldata in nuante calde de caramel. Totul parea posibil caci pe fundal mergea Noir Désir – Le Vent Nous Portera… Zabovise pentru cateva secunde asupra cuvintelor care se potriveau perfect cu blogul care atunci avea doar cateva zile de existenta:
<<Be the kind of person you would like to meet.>>
I-a luat pana-n zori sa se decida asupra motto-ului ales, pentru ca la cateva palme de ea se afla un alt citat, scris de mana, pe-o foaie: <<Be the change you want to see in the world>>. Atunci incerca sa inspire fete ca ea sa iubeasca mai mult, sa simta mai mult si sa fie intr-o continua cautare pentru a gasi intr-un final viata pe care si-o doresc. Dimineata, tarziu, statea la fereastra. A dat la o parte perdeaua crem… soarele cald si tanar al diminetii se zarea dupa turla bisericii. Culorile diminetii sa fi fost? Piesa care mergea pe repeat? Si-a aprins o tigara si-a stat acolo pret de cateva minute, gandindu-se la acele cuvinte, care parca nu erau indeajuns… si-a inceput sa scrie despre ele, a inceput sa-si scrie povestea si-a continuat… si-a continuat… Nu contenea sa scrie ce vedea si ce simtea.
Mai tarziu…dupa ceva vreme, printre lacrimi si hohote de ras pierdute-n nopti lungi si zile intense a realizat ca toate astea-s doar o mica parte din rolul ei ca om pe pamant, dar a inceput sa devina persoana pe care si-ar dori sa o intalneasca. Si-a ajuns aici, in momentul in care blogul ei inseamna o comunitate de fete frumoase care scriu, citesc si canta mai departe la randul lor povestea pentru ca alte fiinte cu ten radiant si-un zambet larg, sa-si urmeze visele pana la sfarsitul timpului…”
Acestea fiind spuse, concluzia vine agale: n-am sa schimb vreodata acest citat pentru ca m-a inspirat din prima clipa. 2015 – New Year = New Me? Nici de cum, poate mai facem o schimbare de culoare, o noua tunsoare, noi calatorii… poate trecem impreuna peste noi provocari, poate mai luam un People’s Choice… Nu stiu ce ne rezerva 2015 si nici nu fac planuri, insa cuvintele ramas la fel: Be the kind of person you would like to meet! Dragile mele cititoare, sper ca ati avut parte de un Craciun frumos si sper ca ati primit cadourile mult-visate. Una peste alta, noi ne-am intors in Cluj pentru cateva zile, iar pe 31 plecam spre Mallnitz, Austria pentru ca acolo ne petrecem noaptea dintre ani (#alandalanye). Va postez aici cateva fotografii din seara de Craciun si o tinuta in care am purtat rochia de catifea visinie, din colectia mea Party Moods pentru Diva Charms. Sper sa-mi ramaneti fidele si-n 2015. Va iubesc – cum se spune:
Love, A.
BuckyCore left a comment on my latest blog post: “I can’t wait to see what new slogan you have for the New Years. I loved last years <<Be the person you want to meet>> because of many amazing life coaches who use it in their books and so on. So it made me associate you with people who encourage possitive change direction in others. So…like I said…I can’t wait for your words and wisdom for 2015” – as an answer – this will always be my life quote. Let me tell you a little story that captures it all! It’s from the “About Us” section on blog:
“This quotation, was found by Alina, a long time ago, while she was surfing the internet one night. The clock was reaching 2 a.m, she just sat there, among random stuff shattered on her bed, in her 1st apartment she ever lived in, in Cluj. On the bed: ELLE magazine, several nail polishes, a pack of cigarettes (which she later replaced with a vintage, dark brown toned, leather porte-cigarettes), her Pextax Espio 738 in silver, and her black cat, Hermes, sleeping like a dark angel. On the side of her bed, a glass of wine, on the night table. The screen added a bright contrast the warm but dark hues of her room, at night. Nothing was really impossible while you we’re listening Noir Désir – Le Vent Nous Portera… On the same screen, for a few seconds, she just saw another quote that fitted well her fresh-based blog philosophy:
<<Be the kind of person you would like to meet.>>
It took her until morning to decide upon the quote, but just because another very good phrase was already written on a white piece of paper, next to her: <<Be the change you want to see in the world>>. She was trying to inspire girls like her, to love more, to feel more, to keep searching for love & happiness, to keep going, so that was the moment when she just went at the window, pulled the cream curtain, and saw the young sun appearing on the morning sky. The song was still playing on repeat, so she lighted a cigarette and stood there thinking about this words, and about the pure fact that these words were not enough, so she just started writing about it, about her story, and continued to do that until present.
Later, among laughs & tears, among long nights and intense days, she realised this is just a little part of her part as a human being on this planet, but she began to become the person that she would like to meet, and so, others agreed, and here we are: the big, beautiful community of Blog A.C. Just a bunch of effervescent girls with glowing skin and a big smile, living along with their dreams, and chasing them till the end of time….”
And with this being said, the conclusion flows: I will never change the words, because they’ve inspired me from the very 1st moments. Should 2015 New Year = New Me? Far from that, maybe we will try a new look, a new haircut, maybe we will travel to new places and complete new challenges, maybe we will win another People’s Choice… I don’t know what 2015 will bring and I won’t have any plans, but I know for sure the words will stay unchanged: “Be the kind of person you would like to meet!”. My dear readers, hope you’ve had a great Christmas and I hope you got all the gifts you wished for! After all, we are back in Cluj for a few days before heading to Mallnitz, Austia for NYE (#alandalanye) and I want to show you my Christmas look and how I’ve worn my Diva Charms burgundy velvet dress, yesterday @ Targu-Mures. Hope you’ll be with me in 2015 in the same way you’ve been with me in 2014. I love you, or as it’s said:
Thank KD Handmade for each and every smile you gave me with each and every morning coffee. Actually thanks for the cup, but you’ve done much more for me!
Thanks babe for snapping the real-life pictures of me unrapping the gifts.
Thanks Smiling Shoes for the red boots and thanks TiaraOrder for the white bag! Thanks Chic Diva for the amazing white faux fur vest – I love it!
Marble Nails made by my sister Carla Ceusan.
Thanks Carla Ceusan for the beautiful Marble Nails. If you are from Targu Mures, you should book a marble manicure asap!
But most of all thanks for following my adventure, girls!
Love, love, love, A.
Andrada, 27 decembrie 2014 at 18:54
Doamne, esti super frumusica si finuta, imi place mult stilul tau, dar mai ales spontaneitatea de a combina diverse piese vestimentare. Good, gooood job! Ai niste gusturi foarte rafinate cand vine vorba de asa ceva. Pe langa toate astea, cel mai mult imi place ca radiezi de fericire in toate pozele si astfel cred ca emani si o energie pozitiva, hah :). Singura mea dilema este: nu iti este frig in tinutele in care pozezi? Nu de alta, ai grija de tine si sanatatea ta! Te pup, UN AN NOU FERICIT si plin de realizari!
Alina Ceusan, 27 decembrie 2014 at 19:05
Am iesit din masina si-am intrat in casa! Nu mi-a fost frig deloc ? te pup si iti multumesc! ?
Cristina Cioba, 27 decembrie 2014 at 23:01
Sper ca ai avut un Craciun superb! Unghiutele facute de Carla sunt super, cred ca e foarte talentata, cine stie, poate face un full time job din asta, de ce nu?! DIstractie placuta de revelion. PS: Love love love the boots! Pups!
dinaalina, 28 decembrie 2014 at 1:19
Foarte tare outfit ul si manusile ??
buckycore, 28 decembrie 2014 at 10:37
What a beautiful response to my comment. I loved it. I remember hearing about Hermes from a little pixie a while back 🙂
What’s profound about your tale is the humbleness yet knowing it’s also a responsibility to share your possitive spirt as best as you can. I rember how mysterious and silent you seemed on the Book of Faces. But that’s because you save thoughts and ideas to grow in your garden of sweet and inspiring words on your blog. And with that I will always be one of your honorary “girls” following your adventures *bows*
Alina Ceusan, 28 decembrie 2014 at 15:20
Thanks for everything BuckyCore! <3
Ana, 28 decembrie 2014 at 22:52
Alina, spune-mi te rog mult de unde ti-ai luat blanitza. e superba <3
Alina Ceusan, 29 decembrie 2014 at 13:44
Blanita e de la @chicdivaro – cauta-i pe Instagram sau facebook, vezi ca eu am tag in poza de Instagram cu blanita :*
Alexandra, 29 decembrie 2014 at 2:17
Alina,ai putea scrie despre cum a inceput relatia cu Raul? Cred ca toate suntem curioase :p
Alina Ceusan, 29 decembrie 2014 at 13:42
Toata lumea ma intreaba… Nu stiu ce as putea scrie, ne-am intalnit pe plaja. ??
Alexandra, 30 decembrie 2014 at 17:49
Esti geniala,femeie!
Alina Ceusan, 30 decembrie 2014 at 19:16
Multumesc femeie! ???
whojulie, 29 decembrie 2014 at 2:33
In sfarsit o persoana care intelege ca nu e nevoie de o zi anume sa oferi lumii ceea ce esti si sa te/o schimbi in bine. Imi place ca ramai aceeasi chiar si cu ”o schimbare de culoare, o noua tunsoare” si crezi in principiile tale sus si tare. Continua si pe plan profesional ceea ce faci, la muuulti ani inainte, pentru ca te descurci foarte bine. Esti superba:)
whojulie, 29 decembrie 2014 at 2:33
In sfarsit o persoana care intelege ca nu e nevoie de o zi anume sa oferi lumii ceea ce esti si sa te/o schimbi in bine. Imi place ca ramai aceeasi chiar si cu ”o schimbare de culoare, o noua tunsoare” si crezi in principiile tale sus si tare. Continua si pe plan profesional ceea ce faci, la muuulti ani inainte, pentru ca te descurci foarte bine. Esti superba:)
Alina Ceusan, 29 decembrie 2014 at 13:42
Multumesc Julie! Sper ca anul asta sa fie la fel de bun precum a fost cel care a trecut ????
oannafashionsimbol, 30 decembrie 2014 at 0:24
imi esti atat de draga! esti motivul pentru care iubesc atat de mult in mom de fata fashion-ul.
Iti sta bine cu orice , si cum scrie si in revista O Bloggerita de succesc , felicitari !
iti doresc un an nou fericit si cu la fel de multe succese sau si mai multe !!
te pupppp <3
Alina Ceusan, 30 decembrie 2014 at 2:12
<3<3<3 multumesc dear!
oannafashionsimbol, 30 decembrie 2014 at 0:25
pot spune ca esti -idolul meu – <3
Alina Ceusan, 30 decembrie 2014 at 3:06
Esti o draga!!!
douafete59, 30 decembrie 2014 at 1:15
ador postarile tale! ador modul in care iei orice situatie si o transformi intr-un mod de viata. An nou fericit!
Alina Ceusan, 30 decembrie 2014 at 2:12