IN "Looks"
08 iulie 2015
RiadaBrand & The door slam effect

RO: Weekend-ul trecut am fost invitate la lansarea colectiei cruise RiadaBrand. Prezentarea a avut loc la Palincie, o terasa aflata in centrul orasului Baia Mare. Inainte de prezentare am discutat cateva minute cu Cristian Covaciu (owner RB), care ne-a spus ca isi dorea sa lanseze o linie de jeansi, in care raportul calitate-pret sa fie unul bun, incercand totodata sa produca modele speciale, atat pentru femei cat si pentru barbati. Eu am incercat jeansii skinny ripped si am fost foarte multumita de croiul produsului, de materialul usor si subtire care poate fi purtat chiar si in zilele toride de vara (ex. azi), dar si de designul propriu-zis, de ruptura pe genunchi la care s-a lucrat atat de mult pana sa se ajunga la o varianta finala. Tinuta mea pentru prezentare a fost una simpla, am purtat o camasa alba, pantofi lace-up, o geanta de piele custom made si o pereche de ochelari de soare care au fost mai mult dect necesari, in conditiile date. Astept cu nerabdare urmatoarele perechi boyfriend jeans, cu rupturile din dotare si turul lasat, insa imi mi-a ramas in minte si o anume fusta din denim, pe care vreau sa o customizam impreuna cu Cristina Cupar si Lucian Pop.
Toate ca toate, dar nu se putea ca noi doua (Carmen, eu) sa ne pornim la drum si-apoi sa ne intoarcem acasa fara vreo patanie aparte. Totul a decurs lin si frumos, era undeva in jurul orei 21 si noi ne pregateam sa pornim spre Cluj-Napoca. Planuisem sa trecem si pe la atelierul lui Istvan Turuczko inainte sa iesim din Baia Mare, asa ca ne indreptam spre masina. Cristina Cupar fugise in backstage sa aduca doua genti care intrasera in prezentare, iar noi o asteptam langa masina, uploadand fotografii din ziua evenimentului, pe Instagram. Ajunge si Cristina langa noi, si imi pune in brate cea mai frumoasa geanta midi de zi, intr-o nuanta de zahar ars, cu accesorii metalice aurii. Carmen avea varianta pe alb si auriu asa ca ne-am decis sa facem cateva fotografii. Am lasat gentile noastre, cheile, banii, aparatul foto incarcatoarele si tot survival kit-ul in masina, bien sur… si ne-am dat “mai asa” sa facem doua-trei poze…. Cand ma uit acum la pozele de pe telefonul meu, cat eram noi de zambarete…si cat de bine ne simteam…si cum mai credeam noi ca plecam la Cluj si ajungem inainte 12 noptea… ma umfla rasul, pentru ca usa de la masina, apare inchisa in toate aceste fotografii.
(*door slam sound effect*)
Care-i treaba cu usa? Ei bine, in timp ce noi pozam, cu un ton parca prea amabil in voce, o domnisoara s-a oferit sa inchida portiera, nu de alta dar dorea sa-si scoata masina din parcare si nu avea loc de-a noastra. Cu un ton mult prea amabil in voce, a mea’ raspunde: “Da, sigur, chiar te rog”, uitand de faptul ca odata cu usa, se-nchisese si orice sansa din univers de a ajunge la Cluj, inainte de miezul noptii*. Si-asa cheia a ramas inchisa in masina si noi cu un gol in stomac, privind la clutch-ul de pe bancheta din spate. *Nu era ca-n Cenusareasa, insa era ziua lui Sorin si Carmen trebuia sa ajunga acasa, musai.
Cumva am reusit sa o facem si pe asta. Impreuna fiind, atragem astfel de situatii, insa ne-am obisnuit cu ideea si ne-am intors la Palincie, de unde plecasem. Am ramas acolo inca vreo doua ore pana cand Sorin a facut drumul Cluj – Baia Mare, caci aveam nevoie de cheia de rezerva. Si-asa am ajuns noi la Cluj Napoca, la ora 3 noaptea, obosite pana peste cap, dar imbracate-n jeansii de la Riada. Cool, nu? (De jeansi vorbesc.)
EN: Last weekend we’ve been invited to attend the cruise fashion show by RiadaBrand. The show took place at a beautiful bistro in the heart of Baia Mare, called Palincie. Before the show we managed to have a conversation about the brand with Cristian Covaciu (owned of RB) and he told us that he worked in denim industry in the past, but he had this wish to start his own denim brand. He wanted to create quality products at a fair price, 100% made in Romania, for both men and women. I’ve tried their deep blue skinny ripped jeans and I love the way they fitted me, the fact that the denim they’ve used is very thin, and you can wear a pair of denim trousers even in summer, when the temperatures are rising, and of course the ripped look. My look for the show was very simple, I wore a simple white shirt, a leather clutch, lace-up heels and of course, the indispensable sunglasses. I can’t wait to get my hands on the boyfriend jeans, but I’ve also been thinking about a denim skirt that I hope I will be able to customize, with the help of Cristina Cupar and Lucian Pop.
But of course, we couldn’t get away without anything rad happening to us. Everything was perfect until 9 pm when we were getting ready to hit the road. We also wanted to pay Istvan Turuczko a quick visit before leaving town, so we were heading towards the car. However, Cristina Cupar asked us to wait for her, and she ran backstage to bring us two adorable little bags that have been featured in the show. A few minutes later, Cristina gives me the most beautiful midi day bag, in a brown sugar tone with golden accessories. Carmen had the white version of the same bag, so we’ve decided to take some snaps. We left our actual bags, all our money, the cellphones and the chargers in the car, bien sur. Right now I’m scrolling through the photos on my phone I can’t help but laugh… we were so happy… and we were having such a great time posing with the bags… and we were such fools thinking that we will arrive home by midnight… seriously, I’m laughing, because the car door was closed.
(*door slam sound effect*)
And what’s the deal with the card door, you might ask? Well, well… while we were having a full shooting right there, someone wanted to get out of the parking spot. With a far to kind tone in her voice the lady asked: Can I close your door? I can’t get my car out of here… With a far to kind tone in her voice, Carmen replied: “Yeah, sure, please do!”, cuz’ she forgot about the fact that with that door closed, we could say bye-bye to any freaking chance of getting to Cluj before midnight. She locked our keys in the car. And no, it wasn’t like in Cinderella, but at midnight it was Sorin’s birthday and Carmen had to be home, it was a must.
We… we just managed to do this. I don’t know how it happens, but every time we are together we attract all kinds of bad luck. We had to go back to Palincie, and wait there for like two hours, while Sorin was on his way to Baia Mare with the spare car key. And this is how we managed to arrive in Cluj at 3 a.m, tired as f*ck, but looking rad, wearing Riada jeans. Cool, huh? (I’m talking about the jeans)
Chanel Charger (order here)
RIADA BRAND Dark Skinny Jeans | MOJA.RO Tiger Lace-up Heels | White Shirt from RUNFAST | Anileda Alrac Suede Clutch | Exclusives Sunglasses.
lauren, 8 iulie 2015 at 16:41
Are any of the clothes you post available for purchase/shipping if you live in the US?
Alina Ceusan, 8 iulie 2015 at 16:59
Which item are you interested in?
Fashionable Streets, 9 iulie 2015 at 14:40
wow, love the look with the jeans & lace sandals!
lauren, 9 iulie 2015 at 16:45
Those amazing shoes!! 🙂
Iasmina, 12 iulie 2015 at 1:34
Îmi place cum ai ascuns subtil gulerul cămășii creând un frumos v, parcă e altă cămașă 😀