IN "Featured"
30 noiembrie 2015
Our wildest dreams: party season
# Winter

Mi se pare mie sau e putin ciudat sa postez pozele astea cu tinute de sarbatoare, fara sa spun ceva? N-am sa spun multe, promit, insa incepem pregatirea pentru sezonul petrecerilor si parca imi e greu sa tac.
Am aprins lumanari de vanilie peste tot prin casa: in living, in bucatarie, in dormitor, in dressing. De cand e frig afara simt nevoia de caldura interioara si incerc sa fac casa cat mai comfortabila posibil si lumanarile astea de la Ikea redau o astmosfera calda. Se simte atat de frumos. Eu stau prin casa, urmaresc filme, seriale, amenajez, scriu – activitati potrivite lunii in care ne aflam. A nins saptamana trecuta – e clar, vine Craciunul. Pana atunci insa, urmeaza petrecerile de decembrie. Noembrie si decembrie sunt luni pline de serate, iesiri si petreceri.
Momentan, rasfatul meu etern inainte de un eveniment este un tratament Hidradermie la Vestige Centre Ville sau/si o sauna cu abur prelungita, la care adaug uleiuri esentiale si jazz. Relaxarea a contat intotdeauna pentru mine; oricat de stresanta ar fi o perioada, inainte de un eveniment mare simti ai nevoie de relaxare, sa te detasezi de ceea ce se intampla si sa apari ca cea mai buna versiune a ta. O zi la spa, o zi in care inchizi telefonul si faci din baia ta de acasa spa, spune-i cum vrei, daca esti bine psihic, slabe sanse sa nu-ti vina bine orice tinuta ti-ai propune pentru eventul X/Y.
Discutand despre Elle Style Awards si tinute, cineva imi spunea, acum cateva saptamani, la Bucuresti: “Ei, nu-mi fac griji in privinta asta, gasesti tu ceva” – atunci mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa gasesc ceva. Prevad o reorganizare totala in dressing maine dupamasa. Pana una alta, v-am adus din dulapul meu, aici pe blog, o tinuta din colectia de sarbatoare, ca tot suntem #festive, de la Diva Charms. Ceva mai bubbly.
Is it just me or is posting Holiday outfits without saying anything weird? I won’t be long, I swear, however we are starting to get ready for the Holiday party season and it seems strange to remain silent, even though I initially wanted that. I lit up vanilla scented candles all over the place: in the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom, the dressing.
Since it’s been getting cold outside I feel the need for warmth and I’m trying to make our home as cosy as possible. These Ikea candles do the trick, creating a warm atmosphere. I’m staying in, watching movies, series, redecorating, writing – activities suited for the cold season. Last week it snowed – Christmas is coming, that’s set. Until then, December’s parties await. I don’t know why but there are always tons of parties going on in November and December.
My eternal pampering favourite before an event is a Hidradermie treatment at Vestige Centre Ville and/or a long sauna session, to which I add essential oils and jazz. Relaxing has always been important to me; no matter how stressing a period might be, before an important event you feel the need to relax, to detach yourself from everything that’s going on and strive for your best self. A day at the spa, a day in which you shut your phone off and turn your own bathroom in a spa, leads to that best version and if you’re feeling good mentally there’s no chance you won’t find an outfit for whatever event you’re fussing about.
While talking about Elle Style Awards and outfits, someone told me, a few weeks ago, in Bucharest: “I wouldn’t worry about it, I’m sure you’ll find something” – then it hit me, I need to find something. I foresee a total wardrobe reorganization for tomorrow afternoon. Until then, I brought you on the blog a Diva Charms Holiday outfit fresh out of my closet, since we’re already pretty #festive. Something bubbly.
Fotograf: Eduard Mariut, MUA: Iulia Morogan, Locatie: Arc de Triomphe Hotel ?? Si look-ul meu de pe
Din seria de avut in geanta ?
E clar ca o sa faci multe poze la un eveniment mare, asa ca fa bine si nu uita acasa incarcatorul portabil. Il pui la incarcat si il iei cu tine, fara discutii. O sa-mi multumesti mai tarziu, cand o sa ai cele mai tari poze “din curtea scolii”. Mai sus, un charger de care m-am indragostit, de la Rebecca Minkoff ?. E ceva mai pricey, insa isi merita banii, e pretty cool. Il gasiti aici. See you soon with a new party look!
It’s obvious that you’ll want to take as many photos as possible at a big event, so remember to have your portable recharger with you. You charge it and take it with you, no fuss. You’ll thank me later, when you’ll have the coolest photos “on the block”. Above you have a charger that I feel in love with, by Rebecca Minkoff?.It’s a little pricey, however it’s pretty cool so it’s worth every penny. You can find it here. See you soon with a new party look!
Pisica Neagră, 30 noiembrie 2015 at 2:56
Big like pentru locația aleasă! 😀
dumitriubianca, 30 noiembrie 2015 at 3:30
Ma bucur ca te tii de cuvant, iti urmaresc blogul cu drag pentru ca am ce invata si de unde a ma inspira. P.S. : esti tare draguta 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 30 noiembrie 2015 at 3:44
Cu mare placere ???
Camy, 30 noiembrie 2015 at 17:59
Alina, sincer eu te-as vedea pentru televiziune, poate chiar la stirile Pro tv. Daca iti place televiziunea, poti incerca niste cursuri!
Peanut Gallery Comics, 30 noiembrie 2015 at 18:07
Oh, lord, my balloon fetish… This is just too much. Have mercy! No more! (But if You do, how about some pink latex balloons, maybe 16″ or more? Great, thanks. You’re the best.)
Alina Ceusan, 30 noiembrie 2015 at 22:22
Haha! I think they are pretty cool, might as well work as a cute gift to give the host when you are going to a party. Tied to a bottle of bubbly champagne, of course.
Andrea, 14 decembrie 2015 at 22:36
Ce ruj e?