IN "Articles"
04 martie 2015
On my way to Bucharest, with BURN
# Travel

⚫️ I hopped into the 10 p.m ?train, the one that goes from Cluj Napoca to Bucharest to be more specific. I’m heading south to shoot some wicked moments with Burn Romania and I have to say I can’t wait to meet the team again because this March we are going to set the #SnowOnFire.
⚫️ Safe to say babe packed everything for me in like 10 minutes – you know, just the basics, but I was astonished of how fast he was. He also told me to wear my new Stella McCartney ankle boots. Don’t know what I’d do without him (ex. I’d be spending more hours on the trains, I’d be wearing the wrong shoes and so on)
Click here to see our #summer adventures with Burn Romania at #DirtOnFire – a.k.a Once upon a time, in the summer of 2014, when we used the hashtag #BurnTheCastle.
?Burn on Facebool / THE OVEN
All the photos are taken with my Iphone 5S + a fish eye lens I got from Stockholm. You can find a similar one here (87ron). Ieftin domle’, ieftin!
buckycore, 4 martie 2015 at 3:13
Hey, I remember your Burn report from last summer! I think those were the vids which made me subscribe to your YouTube channel… And yes, packing fast is an art. I have that ability. It requires a level of confidence and assurance that you are allowed to buy anything you may have forgotten once you’ve arrived to your destination
Alina Ceusan, 4 martie 2015 at 4:52
Thanks for following our adventure! I think you will also love the new project!
Anda Orzan, 4 martie 2015 at 7:47
Lung drumul cu trenul mamaa:)) mi se pare lung si cand merg acasa pana la Sighisoara(5ore) dar e fain ca poti sa timp pentru tine. Bafta cu proiectul!
Copycat Police, 4 martie 2015 at 11:50
A purtat Chiara ochelarii de partie, acum ii porti si tu. Oare unde a disparut originalitatea in Romania? Ideile proprii, nu copycaturile?
Alina Ceusan, 4 martie 2015 at 15:00
Mai eu ii port ca merg la o filmare pentru Burn, pentru snowboard.
Fashionable Streets, 4 martie 2015 at 19:20
Ei acum e clar, nu o sa reinventam roata , si ce daca din cand in cand se nimereste sa fie ceva la fel ca la altcineva, Chiara chiar e un model de la care se mertia sa te inspiri asa cum eu ma inspir de la Alina, nu totul e copy&paste! 🙂
A facut cumva si chiara o postare cu fisheye lens cand purta ochelariii?
Mai bine am aprecia alte puncte pline de originalitate, ce usor e sa te concentrezi pe cele negative…pacat!
Felicitarti alina pt inca o postare de nota 10!
Alina Ceusan, 6 martie 2015 at 21:16
Multumesc Fashionable Streets! Ai grija ce postezi sa nu vina copy cat si la tine o.o
Copycat Police, 5 martie 2015 at 19:05
II porti ca si ea, nu pe placa si nu cum se poarta pentru “reclama de snowboard”… sorry, still bad excuse, still unoriginal.
Alina Ceusan, 6 martie 2015 at 21:15
Sa ai multa bafta in ceea ce iti propui. Nu te arunca cu vorba.
Alina Ceusan, 6 martie 2015 at 21:15
P.S: I like her, hello!
Iona, 7 martie 2015 at 10:50
Ghetutele de unde sunt? ?
Alina Ceusan, 7 martie 2015 at 21:23
Stella McCartney!