05 mai 2015
# Featured

EN: So tonight you have me here in a little video, reporting some news from my office. Please:
RO: In aceasta seara ma aveti in fata voastra, intr-un video in care anunt noutati de la birou. Va invit:
EN: If you are in Bucharest on the 16th +17th of May, join us at Sala Palatului, and experience the ultimate colourful fiesta shopping session at the biggest romanian design and vintage culture expo. Find out more about the event on their official Facebook page. Can’t wait to meet you!
RO: Daca esti in Bucuresti pe 16 + 17 mai (sau esti din Bucuresti) vino cu noi la Sala Palatului sa experimentam o sesiune de shopping colorata, la cea mai mare expozitie de cultura vintage si design romanesc. Poti afla mai multe informatii despre V for Vintage accesand chiar acum, pe pagina lor oficiala de Facebook. Abia astept sa va cunosc!
in the photo: Oana Lupas FuLl Outfit & Casadei Neon Blades from Oves.ro, Hair by Raul Tisa (Vestige)
in the video: Runfast turban and H&M Conscious Navy dress.