IN "Looks"
06 mai 2015

EN: Yes, the song is from Madonna, just play it and enjoy the look. It’s on repeat right now, in our office. Down below, after you’ll press play, you will see a new rocker spring look. Biker jacket, skinny jeans (also look good if they are knee-ripped) and a cool dress from, worn as a top, in snake print. Let’s!
RO: Da, piesa e de la Madonna, da am mai postat-o pe facebook, insa tu trebuie doar sa apesi play si dai scroll, sa vezi fotografiile. Piesa asta e pe repeat acum la noi in birou. Mai jos avem cateva fotografii cu un look rock, insa de primavara. Jacheta biker, jeansi skinny (care arata foarte bine si daca le facem o taietura in dreptul genunchilor) si o rochie cool semnata Sweet Paprika si purtata ca top. Let’s!
Zara Black Skinny Jeans | Sweet Paprika Dress as Top | Black Eco Leather Jacket from ChicDiva (order here) | Taupe laced-up heels from (out of stock 🙁 ) | sunglasses are from
elenacruceru, 6 mai 2015 at 15:09
Chiar da o super senzatie ascultand si melodia ? super Outfit!?
Alina Ceusan, 6 mai 2015 at 15:31
Glad you liked it!
Mbcos, 6 mai 2015 at 19:20
The dress is really awesome !Kisses ,dear!
The Beauty Cop, 6 mai 2015 at 20:52
Love the look! KiSses for this gorgeous girl :*
Alina Ceusan, 6 mai 2015 at 21:28
Thanks girl! Can’t wait to see u again! Love ur blog!
Gaby, 6 mai 2015 at 22:39
Cu ce nume te gasim pe polyvore! Thanks! :*
Fashionable Streets, 6 mai 2015 at 23:03
Nice mix! The dress/top thing is very cute!
Catalina, 6 mai 2015 at 23:48
cum se numeste piesa? 🙂
Ana-Maria, 7 mai 2015 at 0:35
Originala ca de obicei. Imi place mult topul ( aka rochita ), Gabriela face niste haine superbe !
Kisses :*
Bloggerissa, 9 mai 2015 at 11:47
Ce faina e ideea de a purta rochita sub forma de top, very creative! Si fiind animal-print, mi se pare ca a transformat complet outfit-ul compus din piese basic in ceva wow, demn de runway 🙂
Julia Hasch, 11 mai 2015 at 17:59
Nu pot sa spun decat “UAU” !
Julia |
Mar, 15 mai 2015 at 2:14
Tinuta este foarte frumoasa si ma inspira!
Un articol pentru tine pe MissGrey Romania – Rochii de nunta – cum iti alegi modelul perfect?
SEXY IN LEATHER, 7 octombrie 2015 at 10:44
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