IN "Looks"
01 februarie 2016
Ioana Ciolacu AW16
“Ioana has a very mature hand and point of view and in the same time she is saying something different in fashion. She has a lovely balance. That’s what you want to see from the young designers today.” – Stella McCartney
Ioana Ciolacu, castigatoarea premiul “Designer for Tomorrow” (acordat de catre Stella McMartney) si-a lansat colectia de toamna-iarna 2016, intitulata “All Things Nice”, in cadrul Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. De-a lungul timpului Ioana Ciolacu si-a definit stilul ca fiind minimalistic si eclectic, iar cea mai recenta colectie a sa combina blana, printurile colorate si materiale fluide, intr-o interpretare ready-to-wear. Pe vom regasi filmul lui Fellini, “La Strada” notat ca inspiratie pentru colectia sa din 2016.
Photo Credit: Vogue
Photo Credit: Heiko Laschitzki
Cristinne, 2 februarie 2016 at 12:59
Wow, we must be very proud of Ioana, I never heard of her until now, so thank you Alina for the quality of your blog posts, you are a special one, don’t forget this 🙂 Keep up with your great work! We look forward for more 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 2 februarie 2016 at 16:41
Thank you, Ioana is truly amazing, can’t wait to see the whole collection online <3
misslorette, 2 februarie 2016 at 18:56
Felicitari Ioanei si mult succes pentru viitor!
E timpul ca tinerii designeri sa revigoreze lumea modei.
Imi place!
Alina Ceusan, 2 februarie 2016 at 23:11
Asa e!
Delia, 12 ianuarie 2017 at 13:10
Mult minimalism. Ne place!