IN "Featured"
25 noiembrie 2015
25 romanian designers under one artsy roof
# News

What I wore: Skirt from Ingrid Teodosiu | NOIRE Black Bralette | Zara Leopard Lace-up Sandals | Vintage belt | H&M black hat | Casio Watch.
photos by Anca Cheregi.
Galeria de Stil reuneste in acest an peste 25 de designeri, printre care Oana Lupaș, Mirela Fraser, Laura Olaru, Veronica Frișan, Ligia Mocan, Ingrid Teodosiu, Laura Firefly si Etoile Design. Muzeul de Arta, spatiul in care se va desfasura eveniment, poarta o simbolistica puternica pentru toti participantii, ridicand creatia vestimentara la rang de arta. Toti acesti designeri romani muncesc enorm, inca de pe bancile facultatii si spun asta pentru ca am intrat in contact cu unii dintre ei, inca de atunci. Ma bucura faptul ca exista astfel de happening-uri care le celebreaza munca si o aduc mai aproape de public, pentru cateva zile. Atunci cand le porti creatiile, iti imprimi un soi de indatorare de a educa mai departe publicul, ori mai presus de asta, preferintele publicului, pentru design romanesc, inovatie si unicitate vestimentara.
In fotografiile de mai sus port o fusta asimetrica, semnata Ingrid Teodosiu. De-a lungul timpului, purtand hainele create de ea, (vezi Amsterdam, deschiderea Vestige Centre Ville, ori proiectele cu Mihail Onaca – partea I si partea a II-a) mi-a devenit foarte draga, atat datorita faptului ca hainele ei sunt conceptuale + confortabile + bine croite, cat si datorita personalitatii ei. Sa ne-ntelegem, pe fata o inspira diminetile amortite de toamna si “Acvariul” de Radu Stanca, nu cred ca are nevoie de alte introduceri. O puteti urmari pe Instagram, aici si cel mai probabil o veti face, pentru ca aceasta reprezentare vizuala a gandurilor iti imprima o stare de bine.
Pe Oana Lupas am intalnit-o in atelierul ei, Designed by Oana Lupas, de pe Strada Andrei Saguna (o strada din Cluj care-mi aminteste fugitiv de Venetia). Am pozat in tinutele ei alaturi de Emil Costrut pentru diverse proiecte si este unul dintre designerii care investeste foarte mult timp si efort in piesele care-i poarta numele. Un argument-cheie (fizic) ar fi vesta din piele argintie, a carei spate este plin de margelute mici corai, ori fusta aia scurta pe care urmase acelasi traseu decorativ, care cantareste peste 3 kilograme.
Brandul Laura Firefly a fost fondat in 2012, de catre Laura Iobagel (acum Gherman), absolventa a Universitatii de Arta si Design, Cluj Napoca. Pe Laura o stiam inca de cand era la facultate si poza alaturi de Fica Balancan. Dincolo de creatie, o cunosteam pentru styling-urile inedite (vezi aici), prin care isi aducea aportul in diferite sedinte foto, pentru online, sau print. Eu am descoperit primele mele piese Laura Firefly in concept store-ul de la Vestige; de acolo am ales o fusta si un coat tip ou, cu insertii cauciucate (ca tot vorbeam de inovatie). In anul 2014, Laura ii ofera lui Emese Bakó, un premiu din partea DECAY Magazine, in cadrul Galei UAD, in 2015, a participat din nou la gala. E o prezenta rafinata, are o fizionomie asiatica, par lung inchis la culoare si de cele mai multe ori poarta balerini festivi, in loc de tocuri. O puteti urmari, aici.
Laura, Oana si Ingrid sunt doar trei exemple sonore, din primul rand al comunicatului de presa.Va invit asadar sa (re)decoperiti designerii romani si povestea din spatele fiecarui brand, va asteapta o atmosfera faina, ca de fiecare data. In concluzie, daca exista un eveniment pe care nu trebuie sa il ratati in acest weekend, acela este Galeria de Stil.
Maia Raţiu va fi prezentă la Galeria de Stil cu aceeași colecție pe care a prezentat-o și în cadrul Paris Fashion Week.
“Cred cu tãrie cã femeile cautã în prezent rochii care se potrivesc personalitãţii lor, ca de asemenea, rochii menite a fi piese de artã, cu tãieturi unice şi texturi îndrãzneţe, aşa cã asta e ceea ce fac eu.”, a declarat designerul.
(sursa: Comunicat de presa, Echipa Galeria de Stil)
This year, The Style Gallery is bringing together over 25 designers such as Oana Lupas, Mirela Fraser, Laura Olaru, Veronica Frisan, Ligia Mocan, Ingrid Teodosiu, Laura Firefly and Etoile Design. The Museum of Art is the place in which the event will take place and it brings a special meaning to it all: it brings fashion design to the level of art. All these Romanian designers work a tremendous amount, even as they’re still students, and I can say that because I’ve known some of them for a while now. I’m very happy to see such events happen, events that both celebrate their work and bring it closer to the public. As you’re wearing their designs, you sort of feel like owe them to further educate the public and its preferences when it comes to Romanian design, innovation and uniqueness.
In the photos above I’m wearing an asymmetrical Ingrid Teodosiu skirt. As I’ve been wearing her clothes (see Amsterdam, the opening of Vestige Centre Ville or our projects with Mihail Onaca – part I and part II), she became very dear to me, both because her clothes are conceptual + comfortable + impeccably sewn, and also due to her personality. I mean, she’s inspired by crisp Autumn mornings and by Radu Stanca’s “Aquarium”, what else would you need to add? You can follow her on Instagram, here, and most likely you will, since this visual representation of her thoughts gives as very good vibe.
I met Oana Lupas in her atelier, Designed by Oana Lupas, located on Andrei Saguna street (a street in Cluj that reminds me of Venice). I wore her clothes while shooting for different projects with Emil Costrut and she’s one of the designers who invest a lot of time and effort in the items that carry her name. One of the main arguments here would be the silver leather vest that has its back filled with tiny beads, or that short silver skirt that follows the same design pattern and weighs three kilos.
The brand Laura Firefly was founded in 2012 by Laura Iobagel (now Gherman), who is a graduate of the Arts and Design University from Cluj Napoca. I knew Laura back when she was still a student and was posing with Fica Balancan. Besides her designs, I knew her for her unique styling (see here), through which she was adding a spark in different photo shoots, both for online magazines and printed ones. I spotted my first Laura Firefly items at Vestige’s concept store; that’s where I got a skirt and an egg shaped coat with rubberized insertions (speaking of innovation). In 2014 Laura offered Emese Bako an award granted by DECAY magazine at the UAD Gala. She’s a refined presence with an asian look, long dark hair and most of the time wears festive flats instead of heels. You can follow her here.
Laura, Oana and Ingrid are just three resounding names you can find in the press release’s first paragraph. You’re therefore invited to (re)discover Romanian designers and the story behind each brand and to enjoy an awesome atmosphere. To conclude, if there’s an even you shouldn’t miss this weekend, that’s The Style Gallery.
Maia Ratiu will be present at The Style Gallery with the collection she showcased during Paris Fashion Week. “I firmly believe that, nowadays, women are looking for dresses that match their personality, dresses which are also meant to be works of art with unique cuts and daring textures, therefore that’s what I’m creating.”, said the designer. (source: press release, The Style Gallery team)
So if your only left question is “what’s the name of the song?” It’s Solomun – Living on.
Diana, 25 noiembrie 2015 at 23:18
Hey Alina. Ce ruj ai folosit?
Alina Ceusan, 25 noiembrie 2015 at 23:27
Un lip liner de la Pupa nude 03 cred ca e. Oricum l-am ratacit, trebuie sa il mai comand online.
sas roxana, 27 noiembrie 2015 at 1:29
buna, este nevoie de invite pentru a participa la event? mersi ,kisses:*
Alina Ceusan, 27 noiembrie 2015 at 10:20
nu este nevoie de invitatie!