IN "Looks"
08 mai 2014
Front Row stories from #Sunwaves
# Featured

PLAY THE SONG: We are the people, by Empire Of The Sun:
Front Row stories from Sunwaves incepe cu o imagine cu toata gasca de la Midi care se afla in primele randuri si backstage-ul de la petrecerea de pe plaja. In pupitru: Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Raresh, Dubtil si Cristi Cons. Sentimentul clasic pe care il ai atunci cand ajungi la Sunwaves, multimea de baieti adunati pe plaja incercand sa sparga gheata la propriu, “sculptand” dupa sticlute de Jagermeister, soarele care se lasa asteptat in cate-un an si multimea euforica, toate acestea descriu perfect cele intamplate pe plaja.
Dupa orele petrecute la Main Stage, cand incepe After-ul pe plaja, Rhadoo punea muzica impreuna cu Ricardo Villalobos, am ajuns pe plaja unde m-am intalnit cu Gaby. Mi-a fost dor de ea, am fost curioasa sa il cunosc pe Patrick, logodnicul ei despre care am auzit atatea lucruri. Mi-a fost dor de ea si am inceput sa radem cand ne-am vazut.
Back in time: cu Raul, pe plaja, o cautam pe Gaby cu privirea, oprindu-ne tot la al II-lea pas, salutand lumea… Ma tot uitam dupa ea si dintr-o data o rochie aurie imi orbeste campul vizual. Desigur, e Gaby. Poarta un ruj visiniu de la YSL Paris, un top simplu cu fatuca unui catelus imprimata in alb negru, o geaca de piele burgundy si multe piese vintage…
Front Row Stories from Sunwaves starts with a picture of everyone from Club Midi Crew in the 1st row of Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Raresh, Dubtil & Cristi Cons, at Sunwaves. And in backstage. The classy feeling you get when you arrive at Sunwaves, the crew of boys trying to “break the ice”, carving some Jagermeister minies, the wicked sun and the euforical public… ALL THESE describe the festival perfectly.
After all the hours spend playing music at the Main Stage, when the after party started on the beach and Rhadoo is playing next to Ricardo Villalobos, we went of the beach to meet Gaby. I missed her so much and I was curious to meet Patrick, her fiancé. “I’ve heard a lot about you, young man!” – I told him right away… I missed her and we’ve started laughing as soon as we saw each other.
Back in time: I was with Raul, on the beah, trying to find gaby. We kept stopping every here and there to say ‘hi’ to old friends… I kept looking for her, when suddenly, I saw her golden sequin skirt shining in the sun. Of course it’s Gaby! I mean look at her: wearing burgundy YSL lipstick, a simple top with a doodle of a black and white bog,a burgundy leather jacket and everything vintage…
I’m wearing: Black Diva Charms Skirt, Zara Cutout Boots & La Donna Golden Belt
Gaby: DIY skirt (she’s a designer / Sweet Paprika) & Golden Brogues
In sfarsit! Reunited! Peste povestile de pe plaja, printre breezere si nisip am reusit sa ne punem de acord si am filmat invitatia noastra pentru voi la Feeric Fashion Days. Va invitam asadar incepand cu data de 17 iunie, la Sibiu, la FFD, pana pe data de 22. Am fost primii bloggeri prezenti la festival, Sibiul resprezinta locul in care ne-am cunoscut, in care am plans mai tarziu dupa calendarul Feeric din toamna cand am plecat cu lacrimi in ochi spre Cluj si cu Princess of China la maxim, strigand din Z3. Feericul ne rezerva multe surprize in acest an: eu voi lua interviu-ruile cu designerii dupa fashion show-uri, iar Gabriela isi va prezenta colectia in cadrul Galei FFD .Acest minunat festival este organizat cu atata grija si bun gust, de Mitichi. Omul cu ideea!
Finally! Reunited! Among stories on the beach, breezers and sand we managed to get on tape an invitation for you girls. We invite you between 17th of June to 22nd of June, in Sibiu, at Feeric Fashion Days. We were the 1st two bloggers who went to Feeric and wrote about the festival and the shows, and we are proud to invite you this year in an unconventional way: the video (sorry guys, it’s in romanian).Sibiu represents the place where I ment Gaby, a truly wonderful person. Sibiu is also the place I left crying last fall, listening to Princess of China at full volume, in my cabrio. It was the saddest moment ever, leaving Gaby behind and all our night videos and adventures, and go back to Cluj. Anyway, FFD will have many surprised this year, I will be taking the interviews after show, so I can keep you updated on blog about this, and Gaby will have her own fashion show in the Gala! This superb fashion festival is organised by Mitichi. The man with the idea!
Video made by Patrick / Gaby:
Una peste alta, cu muzica pe fundal va pup si va astept vineri la Midi sa avem parte de o recapitulare a celor intamplate la Sunwaves, de data asta alaturi de Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Mihigh si K!D Chriss… pentru ca festivalul Sunwaves va ramane in sufletele noastre, cu plaja si nisipul, cu breezerele de pepene si lime, cu prea multa gheata in cocktailuri si multa lume frumoasa si fericita care danseaza pe ritmuri ce ne aduc aminte de veria… Am vazut atat de multa lume imbracata foarte tare… Am ascultat muzica foarte buna… Am ramas apoi undeva pe plaja, la marginea cortului in care lumea dansa si m-am gandit la un nou proiect care nu-mi da pace: Sunwaves Street (or Sand) Style. Inca ma mai gandesc la asta si sper sa pot implica multi bloggeri si multe persoane capabile in ceea ce urmeaza…
In the and, with the music in the background, I invite you friday night at Club Midi to have a good vibed recap from Sunwaves, next to Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Mihigh and K!D Chriss… because Sunwaves will always remain in our hearts, with the beach and the san, the lime & watermelon breezers, with too much ice in the cocktails and many many beautiful, happy people, dancing on songs that recall the summer . I saw so many well-dressed people… We’ve listened to so much good music… And then I lingered there… somewhere on the beach, where the tent faced the sea and I thought about a new project that won’t let me rest at night: Sunwaves Street (or Sand) Style. I still think about it a lot and I hope I will be able to get many bloggers and influencers involved in what’s NEXT for this fest…
Ettika Pyramid & Coffee Bean Necklace
YSL Ring
Vintage Earrings
Zara Black Top
Maria, 8 mai 2014 at 18:16
Frumoasa ca intotdeuna! Bravo!
antoniaispas, 8 mai 2014 at 19:01
Hei, Alina! Ma bucur tare că ai adus vorba de Feeric! Eu tocmai mi-am obţinut acreditarea de blogger si abia aştept sa ajung la Sibiu! Hope to see you there! muahh
marinaoana, 8 mai 2014 at 19:33
Foarte tare idea cu sunwaves street style. 🙂
antoniaispas, 9 mai 2014 at 5:05
Hei, Alina! Ce ma bucur ca ai adus vorba de Feeric! Eu tocmai mi-am primit acreditarea de blogger si abia astept sa ajung la Sibiu!! Hope to see you there 😉
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 10:59
See you there! Abia astept, e perioada mea preferata din an!
Cristina, 9 mai 2014 at 6:30
Sunteti doua frumoase! Cat de draguta e si Gaby, lovely girl! si are stil! imi place la nebunie de ea!
va pup frumoaselor!
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 10:59
Va pupam! Multumim!
Iulia, 9 mai 2014 at 11:12
Buna, geaca prietenei tale burgundy este creatia sa proprie? Stii cumva daca exista si la vanzare? multumesc 🙂 zi frumoasa
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 21:40
Nu e ccreatia ei, creatiile ei le gasesti pe blog-ul site ul Sweet Paprika by Gabriela Atanasov, iar geaca probabil e Zara, H&M sau New Look….
Sensimilla, 9 mai 2014 at 11:36
You rock,girl!!!! & ” we are the people” is a very good song…me& my boy just love it!!!!
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 21:40
Thanks! The song is AMAZING! Love! Thanks for following our blog!
diana ramona, 9 mai 2014 at 11:37
Alina, nu ne explici te rog cum ti-ai facut parul? 🙂
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 21:39
E o coada cu carare pe stanga si coada e prinsa cu un alt elastic, in chip neglijent. Am sa fac un tutorial 🙂 Iese diferit de fiecare data insa… te obisnuiesti in timp si ramai la un pattern…
diana ramona, 10 mai 2014 at 11:42
mersi fain, am incercat, nu mi-a iesit chiar ca la tine, dar pt inceput is multumita 😀 ieeei
alinaceusan, 10 mai 2014 at 12:21
ioana, 9 mai 2014 at 17:13
Imi poti spune te rog care este numele primei melodii de pe fundalul videoclipului? Multumesc anticipat
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 21:38
Nu stiu… Gaby a facut-o. Dar o poti intreba, sau poti folosi aplicatia Shazam 🙂 e frumoasa piesa ce-i drept…
Iulia, 10 mai 2014 at 1:59
this is it?! :3
ioana, 10 mai 2014 at 19:56
pfff….nu, nu e asta
DeeaMilady, 18 mai 2014 at 18:25
asta este melodia <3
ruxandrabobleaga, 9 mai 2014 at 21:19
Mi se pare atât de creativă inițiativa ta de a lega bluza cu spatele in față! Arată foarte, foarte tare! 🙂
alinaceusan, 9 mai 2014 at 21:37
Multumesc, tot asa le port toate! 🙂
Sensimilla, 11 mai 2014 at 13:45
Am incercat si eu!!! Da extraordinar de bine!!! Geniala idee ;D
alinaceusan, 13 mai 2014 at 19:52
Ma bucur sa aud! 😀
Raluca, 10 mai 2014 at 6:48
Buna Alina! nu sti unde as putea gasi o rochie de seara asemanatoare fustei aurii pe care o poarta prietena ta? de mult caut.. mersi!! 🙂
alinaceusan, 10 mai 2014 at 7:28
Eu am rochie aurie cu paiete pe de 🙂 – kiss
Raluca, 10 mai 2014 at 8:51
Sunt frumoase, ceva de genul as vrea.. dar am uitat sa mentionez ca as vrea sa fie lunga 😀 mersi oricum. :*
DeeaMilady, 18 mai 2014 at 18:25
Love your style!