IN "Featured"
14 noiembrie 2015
Fashion Bloggers meet Timisoara: the video
# Travel

RO: Din cand in cand impachetam tinutele de zi cu zi, ne urcam in masina si plecam spre un nou oras in care se tine “Fashion Bloggers meet…”, de data asta a fost Timisoara. Asteptam sa vad, sincer, de ce prietenii nostri care veneau tocmai de acolo, pentru petreceri, in Cluj, ii spuneau mai in gluma, mai in serios “Palmisoara”. Cu bagajele pregatite ne-am urcat in masina si am strabatut pe fast forward peste 350 de kilometri, sa vedem ce are acest oras sa ne ofere.
EN: Every once in a while we just pack our everyday looks, hop in the car and head to a new city where “Fashion Bloggers meet…” is held, this time it was Timisoara. I was looking forward to this trip, it’s a city I wanted to visit for such a long time, but I didn’t got the chance. Beyond the event, I was curious to see why our friends that often come to Cluj for parties, called their city “Palmisoara” – more or less as a joke. With out bags packed-up, we got into the car and rushed to TM, traveling over 350kms, to see what this city can show us.
RO: Daca de multe ori spun ca pozele vorbesc de la sine, de data asta am tinut mortis sa imortalizam tot ce s-a intamplat in acel weekend la Timisoara. Scopul principal al acestor intruniri este desigur, sa ne intalnim cu cititorii din orasul respectiv, sa socializam, sa vizitam dar si sa ne simtim bine. Spun ca am tinut mortis sa imortalizam acest weekend pentru ca acum cateva zile, in timp ce Carmen edita video-ul, i-am spus: “Tu iti dai seama ca am filmat in continuu? Ba cu telefonul, ba cu GoPro-ul, ba cu aparatul, ia uite ce de material avem…” – si asa a si fost. Dar presupun ca e de asteptat ca toti bloggerii sa fie cu telefoanele in mana si sa intrebe deodata: “care-i parola de la wi-fi?”. Vrem sa va ducem si pe voi, cu noi acolo, asa ca dati play sa vedeti ce s-a intamplat. Enjoy! P.S: Aveau dreptate, Timisoara e plina de palmieri.
EN: Even if many times I keep saying that the pictures speak for themselves, this time we really wanted to get everything on tape. Of course, the whole meaning of these meetings in Baia Mare, Iasi and now Timisoara is to meet live with our readers, socialise, sight-see and of course have loads of fun. The reason why I say “his time we really wanted to get everything on tape” is that a few days ago, while Carmen was editing the whole video, I said: “Do you even realise, we kept on shooting the whole time? I mean we have footage on our cellphones, on the GoPro, on the DSLR… and that’s a lot of video material.” – and so it was. I guess that’s what you get when you put a bunch of bloggers in one room: everyone keeps shooting and before you realise, we’ll ask, in a choir: “which is the wi-fi password, again?”. We just wanted to get you into the mood, and see what really happened out there. Enjoy! P.S: It is true, Timisoara is full of palm trees. Research the local climate before you ask yourself what’s odd about that.
special thanks to: Denisa & Aidan for making this happen, to Caruso, La Strada, Oxford, Blue Bird, Epic Club, Zai Apres Cafe, Anileda Alrac, Nifty by Josephine, Iulius Mall Timisoara, Hotel Lido, Revista Altfel, SinPro Studio, to all the guys who cooked for us at the restaurants, to all the ones who served us their finest wines, to the owners who welcomed us with opened arms and souls, and to all of you who showed up at the event, to hear us speak and to meet us.
Don’t forget to Be the kind of person you would like to meet.
Paula, 14 noiembrie 2015 at 23:01
ma asteptam macar video-ul sa fie diferit……
Cara, 15 noiembrie 2015 at 10:55
Carmen e adorabila. Ea face tot clipul
Alina Ceusan, 16 noiembrie 2015 at 21:56
buckycore, 15 noiembrie 2015 at 11:57
Oh dang, I love seeing you throw down gang signs at the club! That was TIGHT!!!! This seemed super fun…
Alexandra, 5 decembrie 2015 at 22:03
Sunteti superbe,ma bucur ca ati ajuns si la Timisoara e un oras extraordinar !!!!