IN "Beauty"
04 decembrie 2015
Beauty: Top 5 Winter Products

In seara asta vreau sa va arat care sunt produsele mele preferate din aceata iarna, must-have-urile far’ de care nu pot face fara acestui anotimp. Nu cred ca are rost sa tin o prelegere despre cat de importanta este hidatarea in sezonul rece, beti apa si aveti grija de piele voastra. Iata favoritele mele si motivele pentru care au ajuns pe blog:
Cremele de corp de la Iehana – pentru ca sunt cele mai hidratante creme de corp, cu textura usor uleioasa, perfecta pentru sezonul rece. Preferata mea ramane crema Narumi cu ciocolata, pentru ca miroase delicios (pepene si ciocolata) si lasa pielea fina si hidratanta pentru multa vreme. Crema mea de ciocolata este pigmentata ceva mai inchis, asa ca imi da si un strop pe glow, in mijlocul iernii. #FakeTanned
Today I would like to show you my favourite beauty products for the winter, without which I couldn’t survive the cold season. I don’t think I need to stress out how important hydration is in the cold season, you all know you have to drink water and take care of your skin. Here are the products and the reasons why they’re my favourites:
The Iehana body lotions – because they’re the most moisturizing I’ve ever had, they have a slightly oily texture, perfect for winter. My favourite is still Narumi, the chocolate lotion, since it smells delicious (melon and chocolate) and it leaves my skin soft and hydrated for a long time. My chocolate cream is also pigmented, so that it also gives me a little bit of a glow, much needed in the middle of winter. #FakeTanned
Uleiul multi functional de la VRAI – ulei de argan pe care il pastrez in sauna si il folosesc la dus. Poate fi urilizat ca o masca hidratanta pentru parul uscat, dar si ca ulei de dus ori de corp. Hidrateaza bine talpile prin masaj, ingrijeste mainile, imi e esential.
The VRAI multi-purpose oil – it’s an argan oil that I keep in the sauna and use it when I shower. It can be used as a moisturizing mask for dried hair, yet also as a body/shower oil. It does wonders if you massage it into your tired feet, takes cares of dried hands too, it’s a must for me.
Ingredientele naturale de care nu ma pot lipsi in sezonul rece sunt: mierea si uleiul de cocos. Le folosesc cat de des pot, in principal pentru gomaj in comabinatia miere + scortisoara pentru fata si ulei de cocos + sare de mare pentru corp. Daca ai pielea sensibila uita sere, mergi la sigur cu putin zat de cafea. Gomajul, o baie cu spume, ori o jumatate de ora in sauna cu abur…fac minuni… ?
The natural ingredients I can’t live without in winter are: honey and coconut oil. I use them as often as I can, mostly as scrubs: honey + cinnamon for the face and coconut + sea salt for the rest of the body. If you have very sensitive skin, use coffee grounds instead of salt. ?
Am inlocuit de cateva saptamani crema de fata de noapte cu serul de la Fereto care hidrateaza, hraneste si repara (am sa prefer oricand un ser, in locul cremei). E genial. Nu stiu cum sa vi-l explic, e un ser ultra-hidratant de care ai nevoie in sezonul rece – tenul trebuie hidratat din belsug si exact asta face pentru mine Cellular Regenerating Night Serum. (il gasiti la
I’ve replaced my regular night cream with a Fereto serum that hydrates, nourishes and repairs (I will always rather use a serum over a cream). It’s pure genius. I’m not sure how to explain, but it’s an ultra-hydrating serum that you most definitely need during the cold season – the skin needs plenty of moisture and that’s exactly what Cellular Regenerating Night Serum does for me. (you can find it at Fereto)
Serile geroase de iarna cer un ajutor de nadejde pentru ingrijirea buzelor crapate. Dincolo de toata infatisarea lui dulce, balsamul de buze de la EOS in noua varianta Soft (cea cu spirale pe cutie) e unul dintre remediile pe care le poti folosi impotriva buzelor crapate. O idee si mai buna e sa le folosesti constant. Cele de mai jos sunt Strawberry Sorbet si Coconut Milk.
Freezing winter nights ask for serious backup for taking care of dry lips. Besides the cute packaging, the EOS lip balm in the new Soft edition (with the white swirls) is one of the balms you can count on. It would be best if you’d use it constantly. The ones I have are Strawberry Sorbet and Coconut Milk.
What I wore: Ingrid Teodosiu baby pink coat, blaze, shirt, trousers | Miu Miu sunglasses | Yvette Hass Double Pearl Earrings (while in Amsterdam, last year, February – see, I’ve been using EOS ever since, and I must say it #slays)
Honey and Coconut (in local shops, I bet you’ll manage to find them, they are everywhere) | EOS – find them HERE | Fereto Serum – shop HERE | Vrai Body & Hair Oil – online, HERE | Narumi Chocolate Cream – Iehana Luxury Cosmetics.
In mod normal, as incheia aici articolul, insa vreau sa adaug pe lista si intaritorul de unghii de la Alessandro. Stiu, nu intra la skincare, insa e genial! Il folosesc ca tratament (am unghii nude-for-real de vrei trei saptamani). Mi-a luat ceva timp sa vad rezultate, dar cum aveam unghiile destul de slabute si casante, mi-am dori sa il incerc. Imi place sa incerc tot soiul de intaritoare si baze de unghii. Unghiile mele au crescut rezonabil de mult fara sa se rupa sau sa se exfolieze, asa ca produsul asta ramane la mine. L-am gasit la Vestige Centre Ville, la manichiura si vi-l recomand, daca aveti unghiile fragile.
Normally I would end the article here, but this time I want to add to my Winter Favs the Alessandro nail strenghtener that I’ve been using as a treatment (I’ve had real nude nails for three weeks now). It took a while until I saw the results, but as my nails were very weak, I wanted to give it a try. I like trying all sorts of nail treatments, I admit it. My nails have grown quite a lot without breaking at all, so the products stays with me. I spotted it at Vestige Centre Ville, while getting a mani.
P.S: Go get the new ELLE Decembrie + Marie Claire Decembrie, I’m featured in both magazines. #happy
Ana, 4 decembrie 2015 at 21:40
Balsamul de buze de la EOS nu l-as recomanda nimănui pentru buze uscate. Arată dragut, miroase frumos si are gust bun. Atat! Daca ai cu adevărat buzele crăpate, nu ajuta cu nimic. I don’t understand the hype.
Alina Ceusan, 4 decembrie 2015 at 21:42
Bai sa stii ca mie mi-e foarte bun, nu stiu, folosesc si altele insa e chiar bun. Am si crema de maini de la ei – stiam c-am uitat ceva pt iarna – Crema de maini!
Alina Ceusan, 4 decembrie 2015 at 21:42
Tu ce folosesti?
andradeac, 5 decembrie 2015 at 0:25
Buna,Alina creme de corp se pot comanda si de pe internet???Daca da,zimi si mie de unde…merci!:)
Alina Ceusan, 5 decembrie 2015 at 0:46
Se pot, da ;)) Am scris mai sus!
andradeac, 5 decembrie 2015 at 1:28
Sorry …nu am vazut!!!??
thestoryletters, 7 decembrie 2015 at 13:39
Cremele de corp arata delicios, cred ca imi trebuie :)). La fel si tratamentul Alessandro, cand imi voi da jos gelul (thanks for sharing!). Anyway, cum eu sunt mai atenta la detalii decat este cazul, imi poti spune te rog de unde ai cumparat tava? Merci :).
Pup, Maria.
Alina Ceusan, 7 decembrie 2015 at 19:56
Tavita este de la Bamboo, Iulius Mall 😀
thestoryletters, 7 decembrie 2015 at 20:11
Merci mult ?