IN "Looks"
12 mai 2015
Aroma Bucurestiului, dimineata…

RO: Dimineata in Bucuresti… Spuneam ca nu vreau sa plec si pierdeam clipele in gradina Scala. Mi-a trecut prin fata ochilor, pe fast-forward, weekend-ul care ma astepta la Cluj-Napoca. Eram hipnotizata de o albina care plutea in bataia razelor de soare. Purtam o rochie alba, de vara, de la Diva Charms si o pereche de sandale gladiator si era pentru prima data cand simteam caldura unui inceput de vara si cum fiecare oras are propria sa aroma, dimineata mea in Bucuresti miroasea a cafea, a caldura si-a flori albe. Aveam fluturi in stomac. Ochelarii de soare, redau lumina intr-un alt fel, functionand ca un filtru cald si vedeam lumea cu alti ochi. Nu era gresit sa mai comand o ceasca de cafea, insa mai aveam o ora si jumatate pana la momentul in care trebuia sa plec. Urc scarile, ajung in camera. Inchid valiza si intr-un mod ciudat, in cateva momente ma aflam in avion, privind pe geam norii albi, ascultand piesa din fundal. Plecasem de mult si tot ce era “in-between” se pierduse…
EN: Morning in Bucharest… I kept saying I didn’t want to let go. I spent my last minutes in the garden, at Scala. In a few seconds, I saw the whole weekend rushing, Cluj was calling. I was hypnotised by some golden bee floating in the sun. I was wearing a white summer dress from Diva Charms and their silver gladiators. The sunglasses worked as a warm filter, making the light seem different. It wouldn’t have been work to order another cup of coffee, but I had less than an hour till take off… Climbing the stairs, I get into my room. I close the suitcase and in a peculiar way, in a few moments I was on the place, looking at the white clouds from above, and listening the same song over and over again. I left that place for a long time, and all that was “in-between” was now lost…
What I Wore:
The Place: Hotel Scala, Bucharest | Song: Oliver Koletzki – Hypnotized.
buckycore, 12 mai 2015 at 16:52
All I have to say is…încântătoare și delicat.
Ok, I used google translate for that. But this look is so precious. I loves it, and had to express my feelings in Romanian :p
Alina Ceusan, 12 mai 2015 at 18:36
Thank you dear! I just love how you use translations :))
Anda Orzan, 12 mai 2015 at 17:19
Love the sandals!?
Ana-Maria, 12 mai 2015 at 19:19
Imi era dor de genul asta de articol in care descrii pana la cel mai mic detaliu totul !
Rochia e super, perfecta pentru vara 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 12 mai 2015 at 20:54
Te pup! I’m back!
Fashionable Streets, 12 mai 2015 at 20:30
Absolutely gorgeous, the photos are so dreamy <3
Alina Ceusan, 12 mai 2015 at 20:53
Thank you!
geraldina, 13 mai 2015 at 12:49
Esti superba, Alina!
Ionela, 13 mai 2015 at 19:23
Imi plac enorm melodiile pe care tu le postezi Alina…iti creeaza o anumita stare…ma inspira
Alina Ceusan, 13 mai 2015 at 20:52
…iar eu apreciez asta!
Cristina Cioba, 13 mai 2015 at 22:02
Pozele sunt superbe! Imi place mult Bucurestiul, insa doar in vizita, nu as putea sa locuiesc acolo! Pup!
Alina Ceusan, 13 mai 2015 at 23:02
Newt, 24 mai 2015 at 14:27
Ador sandalele!! Pozele au iesit super bine si tu esti o draguta! :*
zi faina!
Cris, 25 mai 2015 at 15:52
Hei, Alina! De unde sunt sandalele? 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 26 mai 2015 at 13:35
Diva Charms.
Ana De-Jesus, 20 iunie 2015 at 21:19
Love the greek gladiator sandals x