IN "Looks"
26 septembrie 2020
#ALINAxIngrid Teodosiu pregnancy capsule collection & the fall update
# Articles # Fashion # Featured

When Ingrid asked me to do this capsule collection with her I was standing there in the office, looking at her and thinking WHY. Why didn’t we do this earlier. We’ve been sharing this office for quite a few years now, each one of us had her own business – you know, us with the blog and INFSD, Ingrid with her pure silkiness dreams… and somehow we never thought of doing a capsule collection together. I did this for so many brands along the way: Diva Charms, Moja, Hamza, Flash Tattoos, Joyas, but never thought about what was right under my eyes: Ingrid.
SEE THE WHOLE COLLECTION HERE (open as a new page)

Ingrid is my kind of woman. She is direct, sarcastic, well-behaved, but will tell things in your face when needed, super OCD which I love, loves neutrals and dresses feminine most of the time. She is a good business partner and had been loyal to her designs for a long time.

So we sat down and made a moodboard, then, a texture board, we chose the materials, the colours, all accordingly to one common goal: We wanted to make pregnant women sexy, empowered, to make these “dream summer dresses” that would not only cater to the everyday gal, but also fit her when she gets pregnant. So we developed the much-loved Cali Love dress, a spaghetti strap dress in 3 colours (black to be released soon): powder pink, deep forest green and carbon satin black. Then we made this over-the-top meters and meters of silk, off shoulders kinda’ dress, in hot pink. And another one, baring just the back and the legs for a sexy flow feeling, even on a pregnant belly. ALSO: Perfect to HIDE one, if you want. Cuz’ it’s totally up to you and the daddy when you want to tell others about the miracle growing inside your belly. And sometimes clothing doesn’t really help. Well, 5 out of 6 dresses from our collection, do!

Discover the #ALINAxIngridTeodosiu dream dresses collection here, on Reema, our friend and favourite model. Photos by Paul Plesa.

This fall, we added a few new items to this collection: new colours for the Cali Love and Bel Air Mini dress, and kimonos to wear on top of the Cali Love dresses or by themselves (I’m wearing one as a robe, on top of a light shape wear lingerie from H&M, as we speak). Photos with these updates here.
Shop the whole collection on
