IN "Looks"
09 decembrie 2015
Holiday thoughts
# Looks

E 9 decembrie si ma gandesc unde a zburat anul asta… Ma aflu in birou, tocmai am terminat de (re)aranjat lucrurile pe aici si nu-mi pot lua gandul de la saptamanile care urmeaza, stiind ca asta e cea mai asteptata si agitata perioada a anului. Miroase a mandarine, insa nu de la vreo lumanare ori vreo crema, ci pentru ca am mancat vreo 10 (de ce!?) mandarine. Am tras draperia, am stins becul si am lasat aprinsa doar veioza aurie, care lumineaza camera pana la jumatate. Totul pare mai linistit asa.
Cu toate ca am reusit sa fac aproape tot ce mi-am propus, luna decembrie m-a luat prin surprindere. In 22 de zile fiecare dintre noi se va pregati pentru petrecerea de anul nou si sincer abia astept acel moment. Cu trei ore inainte de miezul noptii vom fi atat de prinsi in ultima petrecere a anului, incat gandurile de acum nu-si vor mai avea rostul. Acum insa, e timpul sa ne gandim la cadouri. O sa pornim la cumparaturi in acest weekend, asa ca putem macar sa facem liste… E timpul sa ne gandim la brad (de unde il luam, il aducem pe cel artificial din pivnita, ce se-ntampla?), la decoratiuni si la tinute. In fotografiile de mai jos am purtat rochia verde smarald, realizata in atelierul Adola Lucescu (de unde am inca doua rochii mini, de petrecere, pe alb si auriu)
Am primit aceasta rochie acum vreo doua saptamani (daca bine-mi amintesc) si in momentul respectiv am pozat-o cu o peruca neagra, just to give it a lil’ twist, insa abia astept sa o port la o petrecere, cu parul blond. Ori gri, ori ce culori imi e zilele-astea. It’s a blonde vs brunette war :))
It’s the 9th of December and I’ve been thinking of this year… it flew by so fast! I’m in my office, I just finished (re)arranging stuff in here and I can’t stop thinking about the next weeks, it’s the most agitated and awaited time of the year, after all. It smells like clementines, but not from a candle or a body lotion, I just ate 10 (why?!). I pulled the curtains, turned the main lights off and left the golden lamp on, it’s a lot more peaceful this way.
Even though I managed to do almost everything I wanted, December took me by surprize. In 22 days we will all be getting ready for the New Year’s party and honestly, I can’t wait! Three hours before midnight we’ll be so caught up in the last party of the year that today’s worries won’t matter anymore. Right now though, it’s time to think about presents. We’ll go shopping this weekend, so lists need to be made… It’s time to think about the Christmas tree (will we buy it, will we use the artificial one?), decorations and outfits.
In the photos below I’m wearing an emerald green Adola Lucescu dress (I have two more party dresses designed by her, one white and one golden). I received this dress two weeks ago, if I remember correctly, and at that time I took photos in it with a black wig, just to give it a lil’ twist, yet I can’t wait to wear at a party, with my blonde hair. Or grey, whatever color my hair is these days. It’s a blonde vs brunette war :))
Adola Lucescu Emerald Green Dress, (or call 0730 422 699 for appointments) | Photos by Carmen Grebenisan | Edit by Andrei Dehelean – check out his instagram feed 😉
P.S: We will host a Big giveaway, in which ten of you can win something from my wardrobe, & by that I mean perfumes, shoes, dresses, jewelery, bags, for Christmas. Stay tuned and keep up with the blog, I will post the contest this week, but it will be hidden in another article. #SECRETKisses #ACHolidaySeries
(so what would you like to win?)
Andreea, 9 decembrie 2015 at 16:49
Da-mi voie sa-ti spun, esti încântătoare, te prinde bine si aceasta culoare dar parul blond te prinde cel mai bine !!
Adela Mane, 9 decembrie 2015 at 16:54
Wow ce faine sunt pozele! <3 esti la fel de frumoasa ca inainte de operatie :*
Lore, 9 decembrie 2015 at 17:06
Aceasi senzatie o am si eu. Astept cu atat de multa nerabdare dimineata zilei de craciun in care voi deschide cadourile impreuna cu iubitul meu, noaptea de revelion, impodobitul bradului si a casei (astept poze de la tine si ramas fara inspiratie). Imi place foarte mult rochita. Cat despre par, iti sta bine cu orice culoare insa dupa parerea mea blondul (in orice nuanta il ai) te prinde cel mai bine <3. Kisses!
Bianca, 9 decembrie 2015 at 17:08
Ce bine iti sta bruneta! nu te-ai gandit sa te faci asa?
Alina Ceusan, 9 decembrie 2015 at 18:20
E dificil… nu prea il mai poti schimba dupa.
marmozet, 9 decembrie 2015 at 17:53
Well, I would love to win anything from you, except I am not in Romania. Would you ship the item if (in the best scenario) I were to win?
Alina Ceusan, 9 decembrie 2015 at 18:02
Yes! 😀 shipping worldwide
buckycore, 9 decembrie 2015 at 17:55
I agree. This year felt like it was about a month long it was so fast. Pretty, pretty hair!!!! And your dress looks like you’re from Oz. 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 9 decembrie 2015 at 18:02
Thank you ???✔️
Ana-Maria Ruse, 9 decembrie 2015 at 18:12
Nu stiu ce mi-as dori, grea alegere, orice ar veni de la tine e dragut 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 9 decembrie 2015 at 19:05
Thanks 😀
Emma, 9 decembrie 2015 at 18:46
Damn these photos are killer!! Do you work with professional photographers?
Alina Ceusan, 9 decembrie 2015 at 19:04
Yes dear :)
Adriana Lang, 9 decembrie 2015 at 20:43
Esti geniala! Imi place ca cu fiecare postare te perfectionezi, fie ca e vorba de text, poze, locatie, concept si styling. Esti intr o continua evoltuie! Meriti din plin sa castigi titlul de best fashion blogger!
PS: this is my favorite post so far! Esti o scumpa in poze. Pup!
Alina Ceusan, 9 decembrie 2015 at 22:16
Thank you ??
Catalina Motoroiu, 9 decembrie 2015 at 21:39
Can’t wait for the contest <3
taniaclaudia, 9 decembrie 2015 at 23:25
Ești superba , Alina! ?? cu fiecare postare ești mai încântătoare. plăcea sa câștig orice este al tău. Deoarece ai numai lucruri special de frumoase .? Kisses dear ❤??? i can’t wait expecially that tomorrow it’s my birthday so if I will win something ,will be an amazing gift ??
Andreea Lowe (@andreea_lowe), 10 decembrie 2015 at 4:01
Your dress <3
Nedisan Vlad (@nedy2050), 10 decembrie 2015 at 11:17
Acel Skull !! ahahahahaha
Alina Ceusan, 10 decembrie 2015 at 15:52
Isabella, 10 decembrie 2015 at 16:04
Doamne cat esti de minunata!!! Imi plac mult pozele si outfitul! You have a great team!
Maria, 10 decembrie 2015 at 16:35
Cu ce aparat iti faci pozele de ies asa fain? Pup :*
Descude, 10 decembrie 2015 at 21:46
Cred ca orice ar veni de la tine m-ar bucura, dar cred ca o rochita de a ta mi=ar placea mult!
Elisa, 19 decembrie 2015 at 19:05
waaaa ce tare shootingul!
Adela Anca, 23 decembrie 2015 at 21:36
Esti splendida in pozele astea! Au o aura mirifica si parca te transpuneintr-o alta lume…Cinste celor care le-au realizat, si nu in ultimul rand tie, fiindca esti intr-o continua reinventare, si nu eziti sa ne aduci cu fiecare postare a glimpse of you life!