When you are too lazy to shoot the new cases so you scan ’em.

Find them here. 0

So, what are you willing to do?

PRESS PLAY OR ELSE…  Am ascultat pe repeat piesa asta in Thailanda, dupa care am decis: trebuie sa fac un[...]

Textures of Thailand

Dupa cum am promis, in aceasta saptamana vom dedica toate postarile de blog subiectului Thailanda: look-uri, locuri pe care le-am[...]

Do you remember the Wild Wake Trip party on Tarnita? Desperados takes over the sea side this weekend at Sunwaves, and we will be there with them. I’ve already started thinking about my outfits. Anyone else thinking about looks already? ???☀️ #LetItBESunny #WeAreDesperados #DesperadosWildWeekend


The last sunset

Asta era ultima din cele 9 zile petrecute in Phuket. Am intrat in piscina doar in ultima zi si de[...]

9 songs we are obsessed with right now

Ascult “Kiss it better” de ieri seara pe repeat. E trecut de miezul noptii si-am iesit pe terasa sa va scriu[...]

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