The perfect sunset and other postcards from Greece ??

​​​ “…So all of a sudden you will witness a perfect sunset. You are there just in time, all the[...]

Virtual postcards of a white summer

Am ajuns in Grecia si va transmitem salutari de pe barca, din portul Marina Alimos. In seara asa am facut[...]

Downtown summer

Iced Coffee Python Bralette from INFSD Swimwear | “Romantic Brown” wig from Divisima | Nude leather choker from Diva Charms[...]

Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.

What I Wore: TGHxAlinaCeusan White Dress (shop here) | Katerinimou Headpiece | Meli Melo Summer Sandals.  Mai sunt cateva zile[...]

Morning news and fun shares

 E sambata si nimic nu se compara cu senzatia asternuturilor care te invaluie si-ti dau ragaz sa te gandesti daca-ti[...]

What’s Next: #acgoestogreece

MUSIC: David Stewart – Silly Boy (Prod by Sango)  Greu de crezut insa inca nu am ajuns in Grecia. Pe[...]

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