Tonight I'm bringing you here on blog another not-so-moomsy look, featuring a cropped top from My Protein, and an #ALINAxAtelierHamza wrap around skirt in neon lime. Press play for the iconic song, an enjoy. You'll find a list & detailed links below, as always.
Say hi to a new summer look, this overwhelming amount of silkiness will make you feel super feminine & airy these days. Kisses. Love, A.
Curajoasă și încrezătoare, Katherine Langford a influențat deja puternic generația sa. Ca actriță, este cunoscută pentru rolul “Hannah Baker” din[...]
Fell in love with this song tonight. With the hot summer night silence pushing on top of this city. The[...]
I love an attention-grabbing neon look for summer. It screams: I'm here. I'm fabulous, this dress is so fresh. I need a cocktail. Non-alcoholic, of course. Being pregnant doesn't mean you need to be wearing boring oversized items only, and this NEON dress is here to prove it.
Hello, hello! Venim cu vești bune la final de săptămână, pentru că programul de Loialitate H&M Hello Member a fost[...]