Filmul Loving Vincent

Filmul Loving Vincent din 12 aprilie în cinematografele din România. Loving Vincent este un film care prezintă viata și moartea controversată a[...]

#MFW: Bright pinks and classic lines

Photos by @AncaCheregi What I Wore: OMRA Design Pink Feather Dress / Reserved High Waisted Black Jeans / Reserved White[...]

#MFW: Rocker vibes & combat boots

Sometimes, when it comes down to running from show to show and from presentation to presentation – flat shoes are[...]

#MFW: Feathers and Jewel Tones

In between shows – Pedro Pedro and Carlos Gil in Milan wearing Pomelatto sunglasses and a jewel toned look. Press play[...]

#MFW: Blonde Metallica in Annakiki

Wearing a beautiful metallic turtleneck and denim, before the Annakiki AW18-19 runway show in Milan. Press play & enjoy the[...]

That yellow puffed jacket

Hello girls, mă bucur că am reușit să va aduc azi pe blog un nou look pe care l-am pozat[...]

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