Category: Looks
EN: Festivals are just around the corner, so we’ve decided to do some looks on blog that will might inspire you. We are[...]
EN: The pictures will explain for me. It’s a night in Bucharest. And I’m wearing a dress I got at[...]
Photographer: Carmen Grebenisan RO: Azi a fost atat de cald si de frumos in Cluj, cred ca pot spune ca[...]
RO: Dimineata in Bucuresti… Spuneam ca nu vreau sa plec si pierdeam clipele in gradina Scala. Mi-a trecut prin fata[...]
EN: Yes, the song is from Madonna, just play it and enjoy the look. It’s on repeat right now, in[...]
EN: It couldn’t be spring without us taking a picture next to a blooming tree. We’ve searched that damn tree[...]
1. SUNT VERSATILI: Atunci cand ai o gramada de lucruri de facut si vei petrece mult timp in oras, o[...]